ME Monday


What’s the most special time we can remember having with our dads? What felt most important about spending this time with him? If we’re also a parent, what are the silliest, most fun times we can

ME Monday


When meeting new people, what might feel most important to say? How does it feel when encountering relationship-building experiences? What’s important about it? Some of us may concentrate on un

ME Monday

Memorial Day

As we remember our fallen heroes and celebrate the ones who made it home, what will our celebrations look like this year? Traditionally, each year we crowd the supermarkets to buy our favorite bar

ME Monday


For over a year, we have been facing some major changes in our lifestyles due to the pandemic. Changes that are evolving with every day that passes. Some of us have permanently shifted to working

ME Monday


Does it ever feel like every day is another day never-ending obstacles are coming our way? Life doesn’t throw us anything predictable, does it? We couldn’t have predicted what we’re still experien

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