When the unexpected occurs suddenly, does change weigh us down or might it give us strength?

We all might be able to recall a time when an instance may have felt like a disaster. Regardless of the occurrence, if it feels like something traumatic, then for us that’s our truth.

How might the frenzy we feel when this happens, affect our wellness routines?

What if there was one key way to sustain our heart health, overall fitness, mindful eating, and healthy weight maintenance so we could get it right no matter what? What might we want this to look like?

How has it felt to think about these things during a time of calamity? When abrupt change occurs, we might have the opportunity to discover something better than we may have been doing before.

Have our exercise and eating regimens changed, stayed the same, or may we be learning new ways to improve upon what we were doing before this recent pandemic crisis affected us?

How have our habits changed? If they’ve changed, what seems significant about this? What might we want now that our daily routines may be slowly changing again? What’s important about this?

When we choose to continue doing a new routine instead of the old, we might feel uncertain that we can maintain this new practice. We have the ability to control how we sustain the routines that make us feel good.

Typically, it takes about 28 days to start a new habit and approximately 90 days for that habit to stick. What might be something new we’d like to make stick? What feels important about maintaining this?

Whether we’re working at an office, working from home, or home without working, we’re all experiencing something different, some kind of alteration that may have affected our routines.

How often may it seem like there’s not enough time to get everything we want to achieve  done?

If time seems limited, we may be grabbing more quick snack foods for breakfasts and lunches to save time. If we sit mostly at work, what might a meal break look like? How often might we squeeze in some sort of movement to keep fit?

What might we want it to look like? At the end of a week, what might our energy and motivation levels feel like for the weekend?

We may feel as though we aren’t getting the exercise that makes us feel strong and healthy. Getting back to prepping some meals and adding at least one 20/30-minute exercise three days a week can help restore energy, increase physical flexibility, and improve our mood. It can be a real eye-opener!

If our routines have changed, how would it feel to go back to what we used to do instead of what we are doing now during a crisis? How can the new ways we do things during this time be a possibility to discover new self-responsibility opportunities?

So, what can we do to develop or continue these beneficial habits?

Focusing on our physical and emotional well-being can be essential to achieving the balance we want so we can be our best selves. What kind of things can we do for ourselves at home or work to feel energized and accomplished? 

According to an article posted on the Harvard Health Website in 2015, yoga can be an all-encompassing program that simplifies how to be in tune with our mind and body without judgment which can lead to the following: heart benefits, overall fitness, mindful eating, and weight control. With the right tools, it can be done anywhere!

Shaun T, American Fitness Trainer, believes if we start by committing to one SMALL exercise that feels comfortable to us for 14 straight days, we will begin building a rewarding habit!

What may be one small modification we can make in our schedule to prioritize ourselves and create an innovative valuable, long-lasting habit? For each individual, that small step may look different.  If we choose a routine that feels comfortable for us,  we can take that tiny step today, even if the unexpected happens.

By implementing a “ME” Monday® routine today, we can improve our overall R.O.I. to have a great today and determine the tomorrow we deserve!

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