It’s a special ANNIVERSARY!!!! “ME” Monday® is two years old today!

What does it mean? Why is it important?

How do we feel when we schedule something especially for ourselves? When we have these feelings, what is most noticeable about them?

Some of us may have established a “ME” time routine and some of us might just be starting anew.

If we’re scheduling “ME” time each Monday, how might we be benefiting from this routine? What seems imperative about this habit?

What time of day, might experiencing “ME” time feel best?

For some, it may be early morning. For some, it may be the end of the day. Maybe it feels good to plan something at any time of day.

Whatever feels most comfortable for us is the best time to schedule it. When we prioritize ourselves to feel energized and motivated, who else might benefit from this? What feels vital about this?

If we haven’t thought about what we might like to plan, how might it feel to think of something small to do that feels relaxing and comfortable. For each of us, it may feel different.

It all starts with one small step, so the mission is to take this one small step at least once a week!

“ME” Monday® is officially trademarked so it can be a special day on the calendar – a weekly “ME” holiday.

Making time for ourselves is SERIOUS business!

Whatever we may have experienced up until today doesn’t have to determine our tomorrow.

So, if there isn’t something planned each week on this special day yet, help us celebrate today. Let’s establish something important we can do for ourselves on this very occasion.

After all, it is the anniversary of the day “ME” Monday® was declared as a weekly holiday so celebrate by establishing a NEW and SPECIAL tradition today and every Monday to come!

By implementing a “ME” Monday® routine today, we can improve our overall R.O.I. to have a great today and determine the tomorrow we deserve!

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