As the world zigs and zags with continuing change, we acknowledge another celebratory weekend. A time we look forward to regularly as each summer gets underway.

What did this holiday weekend look like for us? What felt noteworthy about it?

As we hear the fireworks in the distance and watch the lights dancing in the sky, what makes US sparkle? What was something special we did this weekend to make ourselves shine? What might be important about this?

This time of year, many of us may wait with excitement for the evening to arrive so we can view the glory of the colorful lights that illuminate the skies.

Some of us may remember times at the ocean shore watching as fireworks exhibitions from each town lit up the coastline. Maybe it’s the memory of planning our finest barbeque meal for the season that comes to mind. Last year, many of us may have been no further than our back yards hoping to catch a glimpse of some fireworks displays and still enjoying that celebratory feast.

So, what did our festivities look like this year?  What was most enjoyable about it?

How does it feel when we celebrate? What is most noticeable about these feelings?

What sensations might we recognize within when we make special plans for ourselves? What feels imperative about this idea?

How often might we like to experience that? What would this mean for us?

So with this thought in mind, what is something WE can do to brighten our day and add a little “sparkle” to it? How would this make us feel?

Today the U.S. celebrates Independence Day. For us, it’s time to celebrate “ME” Monday®!

We have a whole day to plan some festivity just for ourselves no matter how small that activity might be.

There’s at least one day every week for us to implement our plan to SPARKLE.

After all, “ME” Monday® is designated for just that!

By implementing a “ME” Monday® routine today, we can improve our overall R.O.I. to have a great today and determine the tomorrow we deserve!

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