“ME” Monday® 7-19-2021 Have To

How often might we wish for some time to do something we haven’t gotten to do in a while? Why might we want to do this?

When it feels like there’s always something we have to do, what might we want instead?

We may ask ourselves, ‘when do we get some time to do what’s important to us?’

What makes those “have-to” items so imperative?

If we have kids, we may feel like we’re on the move all day long with work, family, and home. There may not seem like there’s enough energy left for ourselves. We may feel overstretched from all the “have-to” things on our “to-do” list.

When it feels like there’s no room on that “to-do” list for ourselves, how might we prefer to change that? If we sit down for just a few minutes to relax, how might that feel?

It may always seem like there’s time for the “have-to” items. When might we choose to schedule some of this time for ourselves? What feels significant about this?

How would it feel if one day we were at the top of our “to-do” list for somehave-to-do-something-special for ME” time?

What’s important about setting up “ME” time?  How would this feel different?

Accomplishing this might involve exchanging some old habits for new ones. ‘Habits’ are the things we automatically do without thinking.

It may feel difficult to find quick fixes that can give us the long-lasting results we immediately desire. What might it feel like if we could make small changes to create actions that become consistent?

What has been a sustainable routine we’ve implemented in the past? What enabled us to maintain this?

How many daily practices do we currently have?

When the alarm goes off in the morning waking us up, we may instinctively head for the bathroom to wash up and get ready. An even simpler example is that we ‘stop’ on red and ‘go’ on green. Why? Because it is an action we’ve learned and repeated over and over for so long it became automatic. How would it feel if planning “ME” time became a reflex?

One of the reasons it seems so tough to change how we experience a “have-to” practice is that it can take at least 28 days to create a change and about 90+ days to avoid slipping back into old patterns.

If you feel like you have tried everything without success, that doesn’t mean there’s no solution.

The amount of time it can take to alter a routine varies from person to person and situation to situation. If we try to avoid setting long-term, firm deadlines that are hard to meet, we may feel more flexible to take each day to set smaller, short-term goals to choose how we want to prioritize ourselves. It’s vital to be specific about what we want to achieve and how we’d like to do it. Let’s ask ourselves some of these questions for example:

  • How will we be able to recognize when we have reached our anticipated outcome?
  • How can we make certain we’ll attain what we want to?
  • Is this goal realistic?
  • By when would we like to achieve this?

Whether the answers come quickly or take time to evolve, it’s important to note learning a new doable habit takes time to stick.

Jesse Itzler expresses his passion for self-responsibility in his quote, “LIVE like you’re going to die tomorrow and LEARN like you are going to live forever!”

How can considering Jesse Itzler’s quote help motivate us to become first on that “to-do” list?

What might we need to learn to establish a new “ME time” routine?

Katrina Meyer once said, “At the end of the day the only questions I will ask myself are…did I love enough?; did I laugh enough?; did I make a difference?”

What might we want to ask ourselves at the end of each day?

Let’s begin to prioritize self-care and make the positive changes we want. Schedule that “have-to-do-something special for ME time” today!

It’s “ME” Monday®. There’s no better time to start than right now!

By implementing a “ME” Monday® routine today, we can improve our overall R.O.I. to have a great today and determine the tomorrow we deserve!

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